Sep 17Liked by Catherine Pfenning


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thank you!

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Sep 17Liked by Catherine Pfenning

God bless you as you build up and nurture people (your children and others God sends) using your kitchen!

I love my kitchen. Right now our dishwasher has been broken for over two weeks, and we host a weekly open invite dinner that brings in about twenty people every week. I don't specifically love cooking, but I love providing food and an environment for community building for the people God sends through my door. Catching up on the dishes though...!

Catching up on the dishes with a one year old who, when briefly unsupervised, climbs a chair, climbs onto the dining room table (a card table), and drops pens in the flower vase. Or draws on books. Or climbs onto and falls off the couch. The repair man comes back today with a part and I pray soon we'll have a dishwasher again! 🙏

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Thank you for the kind words! I do love cooking but certainly not every day. There are some days even cooking my favorite meals I just don't want to do it. But yes, if you think about why you're doing all the work and can keep that at the forefront of your mind, it makes it all worth it.

Dishes...yup. I'm teaching my 8 and 10 year old to do breakfast and lunch dishes. It was our main "school" subject all summer. That, and teaching them to clear the table properly.

My toddlers like to "help" with the dishes and get water and soap everywhere. Fun for them, not for me. Ha.

I hope your dishwasher is up and running again!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Catherine Pfenning

The dishwasher is not back in service yet. 😭 But, I will cook Friday dinner tonight all the same. When I was younger, and imagined doing something heroic for love of Jesus, I never imagined it would be the dishes...!

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Oh bummer. Haha, same here! I have a lot to say on that thought...maybe a future post someday.

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